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13:49, 29 July 2010 Yulia ThO2 protocol.pdf (file) 68 KB Official procedure for working with thoria under Jerry Gabrielse's radiation license. 1
13:46, 29 July 2010 Target pressing protocol.pdf (file) 67 KB ThO2 target preparation procedure with radiation safety measures and emergency procedure. 1
01:10, 10 July 2010 10k thermistor R vs T.pdf (file) 73 KB   1
01:07, 10 July 2010 LDC 500 Laser Diode Controller.pdf (file) 150 KB   1
01:05, 10 July 2010 ThorLabs TED200C Manual.pdf (file) 371 KB   1
19:15, 7 July 2010 FLD6A2TK.pdf (file) 194 KB Eudyna FLD6A2TK 690 nm laser diode spec sheet (incl. pinout) 1
17:24, 25 June 2010 Griffith--Improved limit on the permanent electric dipole moment of 199Hg.pdf (file) 473 KB Mercury edm experiment 1
22:46, 15 June 2010 ThalliumEDMLimit2002.pdf (file) 125 KB New Limit on the Electron Electric Dipole Moment by B.C. Regan, E.D. Commins, C.J. Schmidt, and D. DeMille. Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 7 (2002). 1
16:26, 31 May 2010 Cryomech PT415 Manual 11-06-06.pdf (file) 1.2 MB Cryomech PT 415 pulse tube cooler manual 1
16:19, 31 May 2010 Balzers TPU-TPH 170.pdf (file) 1.77 MB Manual for Pffeifer-Balzers TPU-TPH 170 turbopump 1
11:29, 21 May 2010 Transparent University Shield.pdf (file) 1.11 MB Adobe Illustrator editable version of the official seal modified to have a transparent background. 1
11:03, 21 May 2010 Harvard U Shield.jpg (file) 379 KB High resolution official university shield for posters, etc. 1
10:32, 15 October 2009 Ramsey Nobel Lecture.pdf (file) 283 KB   1
10:25, 15 October 2009 Khriplovich section on Ramsey method.pdf (file) 471 KB   1
20:48, 24 August 2009 Public dosage pie chart.gif (file) 50 KB   1
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