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=Guide Trap Simulation=
== Simulation Documentation ==
[http://www.doylegroup.harvard.edu/files/internal/20100615_-_Guide-Trap_Calculation.pdf CaH GuideTrap Simulation Documentation]
== Simulation Results ==
* [http://www.doylegroup.harvard.edu/files/internal/Guide_And_Beam_Focuser.pdf GUIDING AND FOCUSING CaH FOR A 1T TRAP] <br>
* [http://www.doylegroup.harvard.edu/files/internal/Loading_CaH_into_A_Trap_via_Focus.pdf Loading CaH into A Trap via Focus] <br>
== Obsolete Results ==
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:DavesO2|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - Comparison to Dave's O2 Calculation]] <br>
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:NumberFluctuations|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the simulation compare with molecule number?]]
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:Optimal Radius of Curvature|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - What is the optimal radius of curvature?]] <br>
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:Distance to Cell|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - What is the optimal distance from the Cell to the guide?  In addition, can we reflect molecules into the guide?]] <br>
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:RemovalOfHe|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How can we get rid of He in the Guide?]] <br>
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:One Field Changing Angle|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide depend on the angle of one field?]] <br>
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:Two Fields Changing Angle|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide depend on the angle of two fields?]] <br>
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:Varying Angle Between Blocks with Radius of Curvature Constant|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide depend on angle for the same radius of curvature?]] <br>
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:Guide Imperfections|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide depend on the imperfections in the guide field?]] <br>
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:Trap Depth|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide depend on the depth of the guide?]]<br>
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:Guide Design|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide be enhanced by adjusting the design of the guide?]] <br>
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:Distance To Guide|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide depend on the distance to one field?]] <br>
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:Guide Collection Efficiency|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How can we improve the guide collection efficiency?]] <br>
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:Distance Between Guides|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide depend on the distance between the fields?]] <br>
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:Length of Guide|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide depend on the length of the guide?]] <br>
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:RemovalOfHe|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How can we get rid of He in the Guide?]] <br>
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:Velocity Distribution|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - What is the velocity distribution of the molecules as they leave the guide?]] <br>
[[CaH:GuideTrap Simulation:Exit Velocity Distribution Parameters|CaH GuideTrap Simulation - What parameters does the exit velocity depend on?]] <br>
=Optical Loading Simulation=
*[http://www.doylegroup.harvard.edu/files/internal/Otpicalloadingwithlesn.pdf Optical loading with magnetic lens]

Latest revision as of 14:48, 4 May 2015

Back to Internal CaH Trapping

Guide Trap Simulation

Simulation Documentation

CaH GuideTrap Simulation Documentation

Simulation Results

Obsolete Results

CaH GuideTrap Simulation - Comparison to Dave's O2 Calculation
CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the simulation compare with molecule number? CaH GuideTrap Simulation - What is the optimal radius of curvature?
CaH GuideTrap Simulation - What is the optimal distance from the Cell to the guide? In addition, can we reflect molecules into the guide?
CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How can we get rid of He in the Guide?
CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide depend on the angle of one field?
CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide depend on the angle of two fields?
CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide depend on angle for the same radius of curvature?
CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide depend on the imperfections in the guide field?
CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide depend on the depth of the guide?
CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide be enhanced by adjusting the design of the guide?
CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide depend on the distance to one field?
CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How can we improve the guide collection efficiency?
CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide depend on the distance between the fields?
CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How does the effectiveness of the guide depend on the length of the guide?
CaH GuideTrap Simulation - How can we get rid of He in the Guide?
CaH GuideTrap Simulation - What is the velocity distribution of the molecules as they leave the guide?
CaH GuideTrap Simulation - What parameters does the exit velocity depend on?

Optical Loading Simulation
