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More theses under the [[Publications#Graduate_Theses|neutron]] section.
More theses under the [[Publications#Graduate_Theses|neutron]] section.
# Colin Connolli. [http://www.doylegroup.harvard.edu/files/bufferpubs/theses/cbc_thesis.pdf Inelastic collisions of atomic antimony, aluminum, erbium and thulium below 1 K]. Harvard University, 2012.
# Colin Connolly. [http://www.doylegroup.harvard.edu/files/bufferpubs/theses/cbc_thesis.pdf Inelastic collisions of atomic antimony, aluminum, erbium and thulium below 1 K]. Harvard University, 2012.
# Yulia Gurevich. [http://www.doylegroup.harvard.edu/files/bufferpubs/theses/yvg_thesis.pdf Preliminary Measurements for an Electron EDM Experiment in ThO].  Harvard University, [http://hussle.harvard.edu/~gabrielse/ Gabrielse Group], [[ThO|ACME Collaboration]], 2011
# Yulia Gurevich. [http://www.doylegroup.harvard.edu/files/bufferpubs/theses/yvg_thesis.pdf Preliminary Measurements for an Electron EDM Experiment in ThO].  Harvard University, [http://hussle.harvard.edu/~gabrielse/ Gabrielse Group], [[ThO|ACME Collaboration]], 2011
# Amar Vutha. [http://www.doylegroup.harvard.edu/files/bufferpubs/theses/acv_thesis.PDF A search for the electric dipole moment of the electron using thorium monoxide].  Yale University, [http://www.yale.edu/demillegroup/ DeMille Group], [[ThO|ACME Collaboration]], 2011
# Amar Vutha. [http://www.doylegroup.harvard.edu/files/bufferpubs/theses/acv_thesis.PDF A search for the electric dipole moment of the electron using thorium monoxide].  Yale University, [http://www.yale.edu/demillegroup/ DeMille Group], [[ThO|ACME Collaboration]], 2011

Revision as of 15:32, 16 July 2012

Buffer Gas Cooling


More publications under the neutron section

  1. The Buffer Gas Beam: An Intense, Cold, and Slow Source for Atoms and Molecules. N. R. Hutzler, H.-I Lu, and J. M. Doyle. To appear in Chemical Reviews (2012, DOI: 10.1021/cr200362u)
  2. Magnetic and electric dipole moments of the ^3\Delta_1 state in ThO. A. C. Vutha, B. Spaun, Y. V. Gurevich, N. R. Hutzler, E. Kirilov, J. M. Doyle, G. Gabrielse, D. DeMille. Phys. Rev. A 84, 034502 (2011)
  3. Formation and dynamics of van der Waals molecules in buffer-gas traps. N. Brahms, T. Tscherbul, P. Zhang, J. Kłos, R. Forrey, Y. S. Au, H. Sadeghpour, A. Dalgarno, J. M. Doyle, and T. Walker. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 19125-19141
  4. Cold and Slow Molecular Beam. Hsin-I Lu, Julia Rasmussen, Matthew J. Wright, Dave Patterson, and John M. Doyle. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 18986-18990.
  5. Cold, optically dense gases of atomic rubidium. Sofia Magkiriadou, David Patterson, Timothée Nicolas, and John M. Doyle. New J. Phys. 13 023012 (2011)
  6. A cryogenic beam of refractory, chemically reactive molecules with expansion cooling. N. R. Hutzler, M. F. Parsons, Y. V. Gurevich, P. W. Hess, E. Petrik, B. Spaun, A. C. Vutha, D. DeMille, G. Gabrielse, J. M. Doyle. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 18976-18985.
  7. Cold heteromolecular dipolar collisions. B. C. Sawyer, B. K. Stuhl, M. Yeo, T. V. Tscherbul, M. T. Hummon, Y. Xia, J. Klos, D. Patterson, J. M. Doyle, J. Ye. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 19059-19066 Supplemental materials.
  8. Magnetic relaxation in dysprosium-dysprosium collisions. Bonna Newman, Nathan Brahms, Yat Shan Au, Cort Johnson, Colin Connolly, John M. Doyle, Daniel Kleppner and Thomas J. Greytak. Phys. Rev. A 83, 012713 (2011)
  9. Cold N+NH Collisions in a Magnetic Trap. M.H. Hummon, T.V. Tscherbul, J. Klos, H.-I Lu, E. Tsikata, W.C. Campbell, A. Dalgarno, J.M. Doyle. Phys Rev Lett 106, 053201 (2011).
  10. Collisional properties of cold spin-polarized nitrogen gas: theory, experiment, and prospects as a sympathetic coolant for trapped atoms and molecules T.V. Tscherbul, J. Klos, A. Dalgarno, B. Zygelman, Z. Pavlovic, M.T. Hummon, H. Lu, E. Tsikata, and J.M. Doyle. Physical Review A 82, 042718 (2010)
  11. Formation of van der Waals molecules in buffer gas cooled magnetic traps N. Brahms, T.V. Tscherbul, P. Zhang, J. Klos, H.R. Sadeghpour, A. Dalgarno, J.M. Doyle and T.G. Walker. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 033001 (2010).
  12. Cooling and Collisions of Large Gas Phase Molecules D. Patterson, E. Tsikita, and J.M. Doyle. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 12(33), 9736-41 (2010)
  13. Magnetic Trapping of NH Molecules with 20 s Lifetimes. E Tsikata, W Campbell, M Hummon, H-I Lu, J Doyle. New Journal of Physics, 12, 065028 (2010).
  14. Search for the electric dipole moment of the electron with thorium monoxide. A.C. Vutha, W.C. Campbell, Y.V. Gurevich, N.R. Hutzler, M. Parsons, D. Patterson, E. Petrik, B. Spaun, J.M. Doyle, G. Gabrielse and D. DeMille. Journal of Physics B 43 074007 (2010)
  15. Zeeman Relaxation of Cold Atomic Iron and Nickel in Collisions with 3He. Cort Johnson, Bonna Newman, Nathan Brahms, John Doyle, Dan Kleppner and Tom Greytak. Phys. Rev. A 81, 062706 (2010)
  16. Large spin relaxation rates in trapped submerged-shell atoms, C. B. Connolly, Y. S. Au, S. C. Doret, W. Ketterle, J. M. Doyle. Phys Rev A 81, 010702(R) (2010).
  17. Cooling, trap loading, and beam production using a cryogenic helium buffer gas . W. Campbell and J. Doyle. From Cold Molecules: Theory, Experiment, Applications R. Krems et al (2009)
  18. Suppression of Zeeman relaxation in cold collisions of [sup 2]P[sub 1/2] atoms. Tscherbul, T., Buchachenko, A., Dalgarno, A., Lu, M.-J., and Weinstein, J. Phys. Rev. A 80, 040701(R) (2009)
  19. Buffer-gas cooled Bose-Einstein condensate, S. C. Doret, C. B. Connolly, W. Ketterle, and J. M. Doyle. PRL 103, 103005 (2009).
  20. Intense atomic and molecular beams via neon buffer-gas cooling, D. Patterson, J. Rasmussen, and J.M. Doyle. New Journal of Physics 11, 055018 (2009).
  21. Why are Cold Molecules so Hot? Friedrich, B. and Doyle, J., ChemPhysChem, Volume 10 Issue 4, Pages 604 - 623
  22. Mechanism of Collisional Spin Relaxation in Triplet-Sigma Molecules, W.C. Campbell, T. V. Tscherbul, H.-I Lu, E. Tsikata, R. V. Krems, and J.M. Doyle. Phys Rev Lett 102, 013003 (2009).
  23. Spin-orbit interaction and large inelastic rates in bismuth-helium collisions, S. E. Maxwell, M. T. Hummon, Y. Wang, A. A. Buchachenko, R. V. Krems, and J. M. Doyle, Phys Rev A 78, 042706 (2008).
  24. Collision-induced spin depolarization of alkali metal atoms in cold 3He gas, T. V. Tscherbul, P. Zhang, H. R. Sadeghpour, A. Dalgarno, N. Brahms, Y. S. Au, and J. M. Doyle. Phys Rev A 78, 060703(R) (2008).
  25. Magnetic trapping of silver and copper, and anomolous spin relaxation in the Ag-He system, N. Brahms, B. Newman, C. Johnson, T. Greytak, D. Kleppner, J. Doyle. Phys Rev Lett 101, 103002 (2008).
  26. Realization of coherent optically dense media via buffer-gas cooling, T. Hong, A. V. Gorshkov, D. Patterson, A. S. Zibrov, J. M. Doyle, M. D. Lukin, and M. G. Prentiss. Phys. Rev. A 79, 013806 (2009).
  27. Magnetic trapping of atomic nitrogen (^14N) and cotrapping of NH (X-triplet-Sigma-), M.T. Hummon, W.C. Campbell, H. Lu, E. Tsikata, Y. Wang, and J.M. Doyle, Phys Rev A 78, 050702(R) (2008).
  28. Time-Domain Measurement of Spontaneous Vibrational Decay of Magnetically Trapped NH, W.C. Campbell, G.C. Groenenboom, H. Lu, E. Tsikata, J.M. Doyle. Phys Rev Lett 100, 083003 (2008).
  29. Spin-exchange collisions of submerged shell atoms below 1 Kelvin, J.G.E. Harris, S.V. Nguyen, S.C. Doret, W. Ketterle, and J.M. Doyle. Phys Rev Lett 99, 223201 (2007).
  30. A Bright, Guided Molecular Beam with Hydrodynamic Enhancement, D. Patterson and J.M. Doyle. J. Chem. Phys. 126, 154307 (2007)
  31. Magnetic Trapping and Zeeman Relaxation of NH (X-triplet-Sigma), W.C. Campbell, E. Tsikata, H. Lu, L.D. van Buuren, and J.M. Doyle. Phys Rev Lett 98, 213001 (2007).
  32. Cold 52Cr elastic and inelastic collision-rate determination using evaporative cooling analysis, Scott V. Nguyen, Robert deCarvalho, and John M. Doyle. Phys Rev A 75, 062706 (2007)
  33. Evaporative cooling of metastable helium in the multi-partial-wave regime, S.V. Nguyen, S.C. Doret, C.B. Connolly, R.A. Michniak, W. Ketterle, and J.M. Doyle. Phys Rev A 72, 060703(R) (2005).
  34. High-Flux Beam Source for Cold, Slow Atoms or Molecules, S.E. Maxwell, N. Brahms, R. deCarvalho, D.R. Glenn, J.S. Helton, S.V. Nguyen, D. Patterson, J. Petricka, D. DeMille, J.M. Doyle. Phys Rev Lett 95, 173201 (2005)
  35. Magnetic trapping of an atomic Mn-Cr mixture, S.V. Nguyen, J.S. Helton, K. Maussang, W. Ketterle, J.M. Doyle, Phys Rev A 71,0256602 (2005)
  36. Zeeman relaxation of CaF in low temperature collisions with helium, K. Maussang, D. Egorov, J.S. Helton, S.V. Nguyen, J.M. Doyle, Phys Rev Lett 94, 123002 (2005)
  37. Evaporative cooling of magnetically trapped atomic molybdenum, C.I. Hancox, M.T. Hummon, S.V. Nguyen, J.M. Doyle, Phys Rev A 71, 031402 (2004)
  38. Supression of angular momentum transfer in cold collisions of non-S-state transition metal atoms, C.I. Hancox, S.C. Doret, M. Hummon, R. Krems, J.M. Doyle. Phys Rev Lett 94, 013201 (2004).
  39. Zeeman Effect in CaF, R.V. Krems, D. Egorov, J.S. Helton, K. Maussang, S.V. Nguyen, J.M. Doyle. J. Chem. Phys. 121, 11639 (2004)
  40. Buffer-gas cooling of NH via the beam loaded buffer-gas method, D. Egorov, W.C. Campbell, B. Friedrich, S.E. Maxwell, E. Tsikata, L.D. van Buuren, J.M. Doyle. European Physical Journal D 31, 307 (2004)
  41. Evaporative cooling at low trap depth. R. deCarvalho, J.M. Doyle. Phys Rev A 70, 053409 (2004).
  42. Buffer gas cooling and trapping of atoms with small effective magnetic moments, J.G.E. Harris, R.A. Michniak, S.V. Nguyen, N. Brahms, W. Ketterle, J.M. Doyle, Europhysics Letters 67, 198 (2004).
  43. Magnetic Trapping of the rare-earth atoms at milliKelvin temperatures, C.I. Hancox, S.C. Doret, M.T. Hummon, L. Luo, J.M. Doyle. Nature 431, 281 (2004).
  44. Deep superconducting magnetic traps for neutral atoms and molecules. J.G.E. Harris, W.C. Campbell, D. Egorov, S.E. Maxwell, R.A. Michniak, S.V. Nguyen, L.D. van Buuren, J.M. Doyle. Review of Scientific Instruments 75, 17 (2004).
  45. Enhanced inelastic scattering rates of cold atomic chromium. Robert deCarvalho, Cindy I. Hancox, and John M. Doyle. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 20, No. 5, 1131 (2003)
  46. Buffer-gas cooling of atomic and molecular beams. Dima Egorov, Thierry Lahaye, Wieland Schöllkopf, Bretislav Friedrich, and John M. Doyle. Phys Rev A 66, 043401 (2002)
  47. Evaporative cooling of atomic chromium. Jonathan D. Weinstein, Robert deCarvalho, Cindy I. Hancox, and John M. Doyle. Phys Rev A 65 (2), 021604(R) (2002)
  48. Spectroscopy of laser-ablated buffer-gas-cooled PbO at 4 K and the prospects for measuring the electric dipole moment of the electron. D. Egorov, J. D. Weinstein, D. Patterson, B. Friedrich, and J. M. Doyle. Phys Rev A 63 030501 (2001)
  49. Simulation of the hyperfine-resloved Zeeman spectrum of Eu atoms in a magnetic trap. Long Cai, B. Friedrich, and John M. Doyle. Phys. Rev. A 61, 033412 (2000)
  50. Buffer-gas loaded magnetic traps for atoms and molecules: a primer. Robert deCarvalho, John M. Doyle, Bretislav Friedrich, Thierry Guillet, Jinha Kim, David Patterson, and Jonathan D. Weinstein. European Physical Journal D 7, pp. 289-309 (1999)
  51. Zeeman spectroscopy of CaH molecules in a magnetic trap. Bretislav Friedrich, Jonathan D. Weinstein, Robert deCarvalho, and John M. Doyle. The Journal of Chemical Physics 110, pp. 2376-2383 (1999)
  52. Magnetic trapping of calcium monohydride molecules at milliKelvin temperatures. Jonathan D. Weinstein, Robert deCarvalho, Thierry Guillet, Bretislav Friedrich, and John M. Doyle. Nature, 395, pp. 148-150 (1998)
  53. Spectroscopy of Buffer-gas Cooled Vanadium Monoxide in a Magnetic Trapping Field. Jonathan D. Weinstein, Robert deCarvalho, Karine Amar, Andrea Boca, Brian C. Odom, Bretislav Friedrich, and John M. Doyle. Journal of Chemical Physics, 109 (7) pp. 2656-2661 (1998)
  54. Towards magnetic trapping of molecules, B. Friedrich, R. deCarvalho, J. Kim, D. Patterson, J.D. Weinstein, and J.M Doyle, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 94 1783-91 (1998).
  55. Magnetic Trapping of Atomic Chromium. J. D. Weinstein, Robert deCarvalho, Jinha Kim, David Patterson, Bretislav Friedrich, and John M. Doyle. Physical Review A, 57 (5) pp.R3173-R3175 (1998)
  56. Buffer-Gas Loading and Magnetic Trapping of Atomic Europium. Jinha Kim, Bretislav Friedrich, Daniel P. Katz, David Patterson, Jonathan D. Weinstein, Robert DeCarvalho, and John M. Doyle. Physical Review Letters, 78 (19), pp.3665-3668 (1997)
  57. Buffer-gas loading of atoms and molecules into a magnetic trap. John M. Doyle, Bretislav Friedrich, Jinha Kim and David Patterson. Physical Review A, 52 (4), pp. R2515-2518 (1995)


More theses under the neutron section.

  1. Colin Connolly. Inelastic collisions of atomic antimony, aluminum, erbium and thulium below 1 K. Harvard University, 2012.
  2. Yulia Gurevich. Preliminary Measurements for an Electron EDM Experiment in ThO. Harvard University, Gabrielse Group, ACME Collaboration, 2011
  3. Amar Vutha. A search for the electric dipole moment of the electron using thorium monoxide. Yale University, DeMille Group, ACME Collaboration, 2011
  4. David Patterson. Buffer Gas Cooled Beams and Cold Molecular Collisions. Harvard University, 2010.
  5. Matthew Hummon. Magnetic trapping of atomic nitrogen and cotrapping of NH. Harvard University, 2010.
  6. Stephen Charles Doret. A Buffer-gas Cooled Bose Einstein Condensate. Harvard University, 2009
  7. Edem Tsikata. Magnetic Trapping and Thermal Isolation of NH Molecules Using the Buffer Gas Technique. Harvard University, 2009
  8. Bonna Newman.Trapped Atom Collisions and Evaporative Cooling of non-S State Atoms. MIT, 2008. Errata.
  9. Nathaniel Brahms. Trapping of 1 mu B atoms using buffer gas loading. Harvard University, 2008. Errata.
  10. Cort Johnson. Zeeman Relaxation of Cold Iron and Nickel in Collisions with 3He. MIT, 2008. Errata.
  11. Wes Campbell. Magnetic Trapping of Imidogen Molecules. Harvard University, 2008.
  12. Stephen Maxwell. Buffer gas cooled atoms and molecules: production, collisional studies, and applications. Harvard University, 2007.
  13. Scott Nguyen. Buffer Gas Loading and Evaporative Cooling in the Multi-Partial-Wave Regime. Harvard University, 2006.
  14. Cindy Hancox. Magnetic Trapping of transition-metal and rare-earth atoms using buffer gas loading. Harvard University, 2005.
  15. Dimitri Egorov. Buffer-Gas Cooling of Diatomic Molecules. Harvard University, 2004.
  16. Bob Michniak. Enhanced Buffer Gas Loading:Cooling and Trapping of Atoms with Low Effective Magnetic Moments. Harvard University, 2004.
  17. Robert deCarvalho. Inelastic Scattering of Magnetically Trapped Atomic Chromium. Harvard University, 2003.
  18. Jonathan David Weinstein. Magnetic Trapping of Atomic Chromium and Molecular Calcium Monohydride. Harvard University, 2002.
  19. Jinha Kim. Buffer-gas Loading and Magnetic Trapping of Atomic Europium. Harvard University, 1997.

Other Publications

  1. Quantum degenerate mixtures of alkali and alkaline-earth-like atoms. H. Hara, Y. Takasu, Y. Yamaoka, J. M. Doyle, Y. Takahashi. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 205304 (2011).
  2. Inelastic Collisions in Optically Trapped Ultracold Metastable Ytterbium, A. Yamaguchi, S. Uetake, D. Hashimoto, J. M. Doyle, and Y. Takahashi. Phys. Rev. Lett 101, 233002 (2008).
  3. Permeability of noble gases through Kapton, butyl, nylon, and ‘‘SilverShield’’, S. J. Schowalter, C. B. Connolly, J. M. Doyle. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physical Research Section A 615, 267 (2010). Errata.
  4. Hybrid Quantum Processors: Molecular Ensembles as Quantum Memory for Solid State Circuits, P. Rabl, D. DeMille, J.M. Doyle, M.D. Lukin, R.J. Shoelkopf, and P. Zoller. Physical Review Letters, 97, 033003 (2006).
  5. A coherent all-electrical interface between polar molecules and mesoscopic superconducting resonators, A. Andre, D. DeMille, J.M. Doyle, M.D. Lukin, S.E. Maxwell, P. Rabl, R.J. Schoelkopf, and P. Zoller. Nature Physics, 2, 636 (2006).


  1. Invited Article: Development of high-field superconducting Ioffe magnetic traps, L. Yang, C. R. Brome, J. S. Butterworth, S. N. Dzhosyuk, C. E. H. Mattoni, D. N. McKinsey, R. A. Michniak, J. M. Doyle, R. Golub, E. Korobkina, C. M. O’Shaughnessy, G. R. Palmquist, P.-N. Seo, P. R. Huffman, K. J. Coakley, H. P. Mumm, A. K. Thompson, G. L. Yang, and S. K. Lamoreaux. Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 031301 (2008)
  2. Chaotic Scattering of Marginally Trapped Neutrons, K.J. Coakley, J.M. Doyle, S.N. Dzhosyuk, L. Yang, and P.R. Huffman, lto be submitted (2004)
  3. A high-field, low-current superconducting Ioffe magnetic trap. S.N. Dzhosyuk, C.R. Brome, J.S. Butterworth, P.R. Huffman, C.E.H. Mattoni, D.N. McKinsey, R.A. Michniak, L. Yang, and J.M. Doyle, IEEE Trans. on Applied Superconductivity, (submitted 8/2004)
  4. The production of nitrogen-13 by neutron capture in boron compounds. M. H. Schleier-Smith, L. D. van Buuren, J M. Doyle, S. N. Dzhosyuk, D. M. Gilliam, C. E. H. Mattoni, D. N. McKinsey, L. Yang, and P. R. Huffman. Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods B 215, 531 (2004)
  5. Neutron-induced luminescence and activation in neutron shielding and scintillation detection materials at cryogenic temperatures. S. N. Dzhosyuk, C. E. H. Mattoni, D. N. McKinsey, A. K. Thompson, L. Yang, J M. Doyle, and P. R. Huffman. Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods B 217, 457 (2004).
  6. A long wavelength neutron monochromator for superthermal production of ultracold neutrons. C. E. H. Mattoni, C. P. Adams,K. J. Alvine, J M. Doyle, S. N. Dzhosyuk, R. Golub, E. Korobkina, D. N. McKinsey, A. K. Thompson, L. Yang, H. Zabel, and P. R. Huffman. Physica B 344, 343-357 (2003).
  7. Detecting ionizing radiation in liquid helium using wavelength shifting light collection. D. N. McKinsey, C. R. Brome, J. S. Butterworth, S. N. Dzhosyuk, R. Golub, K. Habicht, P R. Huffman, C. E. H. Mattoni, L. Yang, J. M. Doyle. Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 516, 475 (2004).
  8. Performance of a large-area avalanche photodiode at low temperature for scintillation detection. L. Yang, S. N. Dzhosyuk, J. M. Gabrielse, C. E. H. Mattoni, S. E. Maxwell, D. N. McKinsey, J. M. Doyle. Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 508, 388 (2003).
  9. Time dependence of liquid-helium fluorescence. D. N. McKinsey, C. R. Brome, S. N. Dzhosyuk, R. Golub, K. Habicht, P. R. Huffman, E. Korobkina, S. K. Lamoreaux, C. E. H. Mattoni, A. K. Thompson, and J. M. Doyle. Physical Review A, 67, 062716 (2003).
  10. Progress Towards Measurement of the Neutron Lifetime Using Magnetically Trapped Ultracold Neutrons. P. R. Huffman, K. J. Coakley, S. N. Dzhosyuk, R. Golub, E. Korobkina, S. K. Lamoreaux, C. E. H. Mattoni, D. N. McKinsey, A.K. Thompson, G. L. Yang, L. Yang, and J. M. Doyle. To appear in the conference proceedings for the "Quark-mixing, CKM Unitarity" workshop held in Heidelberg, 19-20 September 2002. To be published online at arXiv.org.
  11. Estimation of the neutron lifetime: Comparison of methods which account for background. K. J. Coakley and G. L. Yang. Physical Review C, 65, 064612 (2002).
  12. Neutron lifetime experiments using magnetically trapped neutrons: optimal background correction strategies. K. J. Coakley. Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 469, 354 (2001).
  13. Magnetic trapping of ultracold neutrons. C. R. Brome, J. S. Butterworth, K. J. Coakley, M. S. Dewey, S. N. Dzhosyuk, R. Golub, G. L. Greene, K. Habicht, P. R. Huffman, S. K. Lamoreaux, C. E. H. Mattoni, D. N. McKinsey, F. E. Wietfeldt, and J. M. Doyle. Physical Review C, 63, 055502 (2001).
  14. Magnetically Stabilized Luminescent Excitations in Hexagonal Boron Nitride. P. R. Huffman, C. R. Brome, J. S. Butterworth, S. N. Dzhosyuk, R. Golub, S. K. Lamoreaux, C. E. H. Mattoni, D. N. McKinsey, F. E. Wietfeldt, and J. M. Doyle. Journal of Luminescence, 92, 291-296 (2001).
  15. Likelihood models for two-stage neutron lifetime experiments. G. L. Yang and K. J. Coakley. Physical Review C, 63, 014602 (2000).
  16. Liquid Helium and Neon - Sensitive, Low Background Scintillation Media For the Detection of Low Energy Neutrinos. D. N. McKinsey and J. M. Doyle. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 118 153-165 (2000).
  17. Magnetic Trapping of Neutrons. P. R. Huffman, C. R. Brome, J. S. Butterworth, K. J. Coakley, M. S. Dewey, S. N. Dzhosyuk, R. Golub, G. L. Greene, K. Habicht, S. K. Lamoreaux, C. E. H. Mattoni, D. N. McKinsey, F. E. Wietfeldt, and J. M. Doyle. Nature, 403, 62-64 (2000).
  18. Progress Towards Magnetic Trapping of Ultracold Neutrons. P. R. Huffman, C. R. Brome, J. S. Butterworth, K. J. Coakley, M. S. Dewey, S. N. Dzhosyuk, D. M. Gilliam, R. Golub, G. L. Greene, K. Habicht, S. K. Lamoreaux, C. E. H. Mattoni, D. N. McKinsey, F. E. Wietfeldt, and J. M. Doyle. Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 440(3), 522-527 (2000).
  19. The Radiative Lifetime of the Metastable Helium Molecule He2*(3Sigmau+) in Liquid Helium. D. N. McKinsey, C. R. Brome, J. S. Butterworth, S. Dzhosyuk, R. Golub, K. Habicht, P. R. Huffman, S. K. Lamoreaux, C. E. H. Mattoni, and J. M. Doyle. Physical Review A, 59, 200 (1999).
  20. A Removable Cryogenic Window for Transmission of Light and Neutrons. J. S. Butterworth, C. R. Brome, P. R. Huffman, C. E. H. Mattoni, D. N. McKinsey, and J. M. Doyle. Review of Scientific Instruments, 69, 3998 (1998).
  21. A Demountable Cryogenic Feedthrough for Plastic Optical Fibers. J. S. Butterworth, C. R. Brome, P. R. Huffman, C. E. H. Mattoni, D. N. McKinsey, and J. M. Doyle. Review of Scientific Instruments, 69, 3697 (1998).
  22. Statistical planning for a neutron lifetime experiment using magnetically trapped neutrons. K. J. Coakley. Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 406, 451 (1998).
  23. Fluorescence Efficiencies of Thin Scintillating Films in the Extreme Ultraviolet Spectral Region. D. N. McKinsey, C. R. Brome, J. S. Butterworth, R. Golub, K. Habicht, P. R. Huffman, S. K. Lamoreaux, C. E. H. Mattoni and J. M. Doyle. Nuclear Instruments and Methods B, 132, 351 (1997).
  24. On Measuring the Neutron Beta-Decay Lifetime using Ultracold Neutrons Produced and Stored in a Superfluid-4He-Filled Magnetic Trap. J. M. Doyle and S. K. Lamoreaux. Europhysics Letters, 26, 253 (1994).

Graduate Theses

  1. Liang Yang. Towards Precision Measurement of the Neutron Lifetime using Magnetically Trapped Neutrons. Harvard University, 2006.
  2. Sergei N. Dzhosyuk. Magnetic Trapping of Neutrons for Measurement of the Neutron Lifetime. Harvard University, 2004.
  3. Carlo Egon Heinrich Mattoni. Magnetic Trapping of Ultracold Neutrons Produced Using a Monochromatic Cold Neutron Beam. Harvard University, 2002.
  4. Daniel Nicholas McKinsey. Detection of Magnetically Trapped Neutrons: Liquid Helium As a Scintillator. Harvard University, 2002.
  5. Clinton Reed Brome. Magnetic Trapping of Ultracold Neutrons. Harvard University, 2000.
  6. Klaus Habicht. Szintillationen in flüssigem Helium - ein Detektor für ultrakalte Neutronen. Technischen Universität Berlin, 1998.

Undergraduate Theses

  1. Irfan Ahmed Siddiqi. Absolute Quantum Efficiency Measurements of a Prototype Ultra-Cold Neutron in Liquid Helium Detection System. Harvard University, 1997.
  2. Hayn Park. Thermal Neutron Detection Using Boron-10 and Sodium Salicylate Doped Epoxy Films. Harvard University, 1996.
  3. Carlo Egon Heinrich Mattoni. The Precision Measurement of the Neutron Lifetime Using Magnetically Trapped Neutrons: Marginally Trapped Neutrons and Fluorescent Time Constants. Harvard University, 1995.

Other Documents

  1. Notes on the theory of dynamical diffraction applied to neutrons. Anonymous
  2. Bobby learns quantum computing. Anonymous
  3. Quantum Mechanics For Advanced Beginners. R. Golub and R. Ince