From DoyleGroup
OMAX Startup/Cut/Shutdown Checklists
Machine Startup
- Put a medical card in your pocket
- Turn on water supply
- Turn on air supply and check pressure = 75-80 PSI
- Turn on electrical and startup computer
- Turn on pre-charge pump
- Check filter pressures = ~120 PSI, differential < 20 PSI
- Rotate nozzle slightly (don't worry, nobody actually does this)
- Counter-clockwise with respect to you looking down on nozzle
- Check if you have to rotate jewel slightly (don't worry, nobody actually does this)
- Counter-clockwise with respect to looking at top of jewel
Programming Setup
- File -> Import from other CAD
- Ask someone who knows how to save in the correct format
- In Inventor, click on Save Copy As and select the .dxf format
- Check that the drawing was imported correctly
- Set cut quality
- Right-click Lead i/o and select Autopath (Quick)
- Click Path, and select the starting point
- Confirm the path. Click the blue blob to make sure your part is correct!
- Save the drawing
- Right-click Path and open in Windows Make
Cutting Setup
- Turn off pre-charge pump or move nozzle far out of the way before putting your hands in the cutting region!
- Clamp your piece in place
- Use extra pieces of stock if the clamps are not long enough
- Do not clamp too tightly – can cause part to bow and hit nozzle
- Use sacrificial material if finish matters
- Be careful not to cut your hands on the slats
- Move the nozzle to the path starting point and set Z zero
- Place a piece of 1/16" material on top of your material
- Lower the Z (by hand!) until it just touches the 1/16" material
- Move the Z up (by hand) about 5 clicks
- Make a home point and set the path start home
- Raise nozzle, put on muff, then return to Z zero
- Check material type and thickness
- Have nozzle move to extents, or do a dry run
- Turn on pre-charge pump
- Raise water level to about half-way up the muff
- Place hand on piece near edge to make sure it stays in place
- Warn bystanders if necessary
- Start cut
Machine Shutdown
- Clean out the muff
- Clear temporary homes
- Shut down computer
- Turn off electrical, water, air
- Return medical card
- Spray down the machine and put tools and stock away
- Don't forget your USB drive!