User:Nick H
From DoyleGroup
Future Lablog Entries
- Rotational Temperatures
- Need error bars
- Most important FOM: J=1 population
- Consistent with simple estimates and simulations
- _Maybe_ consistent with longitudinal data?
- Transverse and Longitudinal
- Vertical binning --> temperatures are consistent
- Amount of cooling is consistent with beam freezing a few cm downstream
- Mach number of ~10 is not consistent with this
To Do
- Longitudinal widths
- 60 and 100 sccm trans widths (with norm)
- Skimmer transmission - divergence relation
- Does temp matter?
- Finish fluor rot temp
- Plots of J=1 (not normed) after skimmer vs flow
Data taking
- Re-take 60 sccm long data
- take 100sccm long data
- Get turbo set up
- Start preparing for the move
- Talk to Frank about the pit