Silence a Lifeline II Oxygen Sensor Alarm

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  1. Check that the oxygen levels are normal (around 20% and at least 18%). If they are consistently low, leave the area and call EH&S. If they are nonsensical or fluctuating randomly, the cartridge probably requires replacing or the sensor re-calibration. In this case, it might not be possible to completely silence the alarm without calling a technician, but you can try!
  2. Assuming the oxygen levels are normal, check the alarm thresholds. Go into the main menu by hitting "esc," then choose "Configuration Menu," then "Configure Alarms." You may have to enter a password, which should be written on the face of the device. Make sure that Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 are set below the current O2 level (For safety, Alarm 1 should not be lower than about 17.5%). Check that "Overrange Latching" is set to "No."
  3. Now make sure that the alarm is in a normally disabled, non-latching state. Back in the Configuration Menu, choose "Configure Relays." Set Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 to "ND NonLatching," and then hit "esc" until you get back to measurement mode. If all has gone well, the alarm should stop.
  4. If all else fails, you can always cover the noisemaker with tape and foam.
  5. Contact the facilities manager and ask him to call Apollo to perform maintenance on the sensor. Do this regardless of whether you have successfully silenced the alarm.