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* [http://www.quantumoptics.net/ List of quantum optics and atom optics links and groups worldwide]
* [http://www.quantumoptics.net/ List of quantum optics and atom optics links and groups worldwide]
* [http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/SUB_DETECTORS/TILE/TDR/TDR.html/ ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Technical Design Report] - Ch. 6 (electronics) has really useful information about the PMT and light pipes they use.
* [http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/SUB_DETECTORS/TILE/TDR/TDR.html/ ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Technical Design Report] - Ch. 6 (electronics) has really useful information about the PMT and light pipes they use.
* [https://www.hamamatsu.com/resources/pdf/etd/PMT_TPMZ0002E.pdf Hamamatsu PMT Handbook] - PMT tutorial and catalog of Hamamatsu part numbers
* [http://www.kore.co.uk/mcp-faq.htm Kore MCP info] - Application and performance information on multichannel plates
=== Fun Physics Links ===
=== Fun Physics Links ===

Latest revision as of 20:19, 18 August 2017

Fun Physics Links