Physics Links
From DoyleGroup
- Microwaves 101 - A good site with RF tutorials and notes.
- DiRef - recent references on molecular spectroscopy, searchable by atom
- NIST Chemistry Webbook - gives Herzberg constants of diatomic molecules
- RADEN - Database of diatomic molecule energies
- AIP vapor pressure - vapor pressure vs T
- NIST Ceramics Division
- MatWeb - Materials properties, densities, hardness, ...
- Steck Alkali Data - Extensive Data on some Alkali Atoms
- O-rings
- O-ring size chart
- Parker O-Ring Handbook - Everything you ever wanted to know about o-rings, including dimensions, gland dimensions, fluid compatibility, and dash numbers
- Nist Atomic Spectra Database
- Luxpop- Optics calculation applets backed by lots of material data
- List of Laser Dyes
- - clickable periodic table
- RP Photonics Encyclopedia of Laser Physics and Technology
- NIST Cryogenic Materials Properties
- Springer Materials Database - Also known as the Landolt-Bornstein database. Harvard users click here
- Hazmat Navigator (Harvard only)
- Air Liquide Encyclopedia - Helpful properties about lots of gases, including vapor pressure plots.
- Outgassing Data for Selecting Spacecraft Materials - A materials outgassing database maintained by NASA.
- List of atom traps worldwide
- List of quantum optics and atom optics links and groups worldwide
- ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Technical Design Report - Ch. 6 (electronics) has really useful information about the PMT and light pipes they use.
- Hamamatsu PMT Handbook - PMT tutorial and catalog of Hamamatsu part numbers
- Kore MCP info - Application and performance information on multichannel plates
Fun Physics Links
- PhET - Great simulations of all sorts of things
- Evaporative cooling simulator
- Blocks and springs
- Ising model simulator
- Ising model simulator - with external magnetic field!