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From DoyleGroup
Revision as of 20:28, 28 June 2018 by Loic A (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to the Doyle Group Wiki!

We have our new website!

The Doyle Group, 2018. Back Row: Prof. John Doyle, Aidan, Zack, Louis, Loïc, Sean, Yicheng, Christian. Front Row: Ben, Eunice, Lawrence, Maryam, Xing, Mohit, Phelan, Ivan.

We in the Doyle Group perform experiments with cold atoms and molecules using buffer-gas cooling. This method of cooling works by allowing the desired species of atom or molecule to have collisions with a cold, inert gas. Some information about our specific experiments can be found below.

The Doyle Group is a part of the Harvard University Department of Physics, and a member in the Harvard-MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA), a National Science Foundation Physics Frontier Center.

The Doyle Group

